Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The White Trash Yacht Club

The guys and me at the firehouse have started the White Trash Yacht Club. Our first regata is scheduled for May 5. We are all planning to go set "jug" lines and catch a bunch of catfish. This all started when Booger, our rookie, brought his boat to the station one shift so that we could work on it. Next Eric brings his. So, I got one. Oh they are fine vessels. Booger and Eric's are jon-boats with 20 hp motors. Mine is an old 14 foot aluminum modified vee that I aguired from Lloyd Allen. It is a fixer-upper for sure. We are all pretty excited about it. We missed a few tornadoes today. Wall clouds everywhere, but no funnels. talk to you soon.


MUD said...

Is Yacht perhaps a little over the top? Perhaps the "Trailer it Trash Boat Club" (TIT B.C.) might be more appropriate. Thanks for coming up last weekend. Kiss the Girls for us. MUD

Jenn said...

That's a little frightening...

Jenn said...

both of you.

MUD said...


Jenn said...

Okay, if we're gonna read you actually have to post!