Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Somebody help me tie my shoes.

We have been working out on the job. The City pays for all of us to go to a local gym and workout. Even on our days off. So every day at around 0900 a.m. my crew goes for about an hour. Of course we never get an hour do to alarms and medicals. My driver Jeff is a former amature bodybuilder that actually won some competitions. He is a stud. Jeff has become our offical workout coach. I hate that bastard!!!! My arms are so damn sore I can't even wipe my own ass. We do circuit training, going from one excercise to another without rest. That way you get a cardio workout too. Speaking of bastards. During physical therapy today (post knee surgery) I asked my PT "at what point is this supposed to make my damn knee feel better?" He told me to quit whining and get back to doing chop-squats. MUD had a good point in his blog. Don't screw around with your heart. Today's medicine can do wonderful things, IF, they can get to you in time. I have been a paramedic for 15 years and the the changes, for the positive, that I have seen in my career are impressive.


MUD said...

Do you want some cheese with that whine? Keep working. I left out the 81mg asprin per day in my blog is there anything else? I know that if your ehart is really out of rhythm a good slap in the face with sold water sometimes does the trick. MUD.

Rebecca said...

Ohhhhh getting vicious here. You two are funny. Love you oth.

Rebecca said...

Aparently I can't spell...Love you BOTH*

Lexie Ward said...

Hey, I've found something that's supposed to be really good for you and have had a good experience with it so far. At Jamba Juice, you can get a wheatgrass juice "shot" (as in shot glass, not as in needle) and it's supposed to be the same as getting all your green vegetables for the day. Also good for your circulation, which is, in turn, good for your skin.
Tastes like, well, GRASS, but they give you some orange juice to wash it down.

MUD said...

Yes, thats the ticket $2.00 for a little glass of squeezed grass that tastes like, well, grass. Humm wonder if I could set up a scam, er, shop like that here. I have pleanty of grass.

Anonymous said...

Hey, MUD, that wheat grass is good stuff. Besides, it's only $1.25 so nah, nah (picture me sticking my tongue out at you good-naturedly).

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!