Monday, December 25, 2006

Above Average at Walmart.

Did you know that the average person spends $100.00 each time they go to Walmart? So with that said I am an above average Walmart shopper. It used to be I hated to break a $20.00 bill, now it seems like I am breaking $100.00 bills like crazy. Even a Reuben sandwich costs almost $7.00 at the deli.
Well, enough griping about money. Merry Christmas to everybody.
Don't you wish that the truth in advertising clause pertained to other avenues of our lives. Wouldn't it be cool if we all had a Surgeon General warning across our backs like a pack of cigarettes? The little weasel at work would have one that said "I like the tip of my nose to stay brown and would sell my own mother up the river for a promotion." Or the the cute lady at the end of the bar, hers would say " I am very superficial, this is not my real eye color, hair color, boobs, or thighs. I am crazy and still obsessing over my boyfriend three boyfriends ago." Of course the guy at the end of the bar would have one that said "jerk, jerk, jerk,." What would yours say?


MUD said...

Warning "Grampawannabe" MUD

Anonymous said...

mine would say
"tired but happy"
(I can't log in for some reason)