Saturday, December 16, 2006

It's the death penalty for goodness sakes.

California and Florida have placed a moritorium on the lethal injection/death penalty due to the fact that it may cause pain and mental anguish for the condemned inmate. In the Florida case the person that established the IV on the inmate missed the vein causing the drugs to go into the surrounding tissue. The inmate was alive for around 30 minutes after the injection. A normal lethal drug injection should render the inmate unconscious in around 2-3 minutes and the bastard should be dead in no later than 15 minutes. Some limp-wristed pussy doctor who probably is a proctologist stated that the inmate suffered. You think? Let me vent on this one folks. For all of you that feel that the death penalty is wrong, you are going to get an ear full. All human life is precious regardless how useless any one human may be. The death penalty is the ultimate deterrent. All of those men and women who have paid for their crimes with their life will never commit another crime again. No repeat offenses after that. Did you know that the last bastard to be executed in Florida was on death row since 1979? He was on death row longer than his victim was alive. Horrible travesty of justice. Now here comes my redneck DNA flaring up. I have spent most of my adult life trying to save people. But, I would have no problem working in a prison starting IVs and killing those people. I could sleep well at night and all would be right with my soul. I am very good at starting IVs in strange and odd places. What about the victims, the families, the children..............what about us?


Anonymous said...

For someone without Military training you are very intune with the way I feel. I do find it troubling at times that I feel like I could take a life but that's the way I was trained. I don't carry a weapon during my daily activities but I do when I travel. Ambush me and you'll get ambushed back. The only thing wrong with the death penalty is they don't use it often or fast enough to let the bad guys know it is for real. Public executions should be the standard. I would behead the bastards so people would be apalled at the amount of blood. Suffering is only a state of mind and I don't mind. MUD

Anonymous said...

I don't mind either...
(and we missed you today)